Monthly Feature Updates Pagico 10 Release Notes

Pagico August 2024 Update

Dear all,

Greetings! Today we have a minor release that focuses on bug fixes only, but we also want to share some of the exciting things we’ve been developing.

The Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the data sync may not complete in certain cases (this seems trivial, but incomplete sync cycles may trigger an array of issues)
  • Fixed an issue where the built-in templates may not get imported in some cases
  • Other minor under-the-hood changes

What’s Next

We have been working on several exciting things over the past few weeks! These are larger projects that take a little longer to complete, but they are certainly critical to your daily experience with Pagico:

Smoother and Faster Navigation

We are working on how Pagico loads and presents your data at a fundamental level. With these changes implemented, going to (and from) projects and contacts will be much faster. The end result is not just a snappier experience; Pagico will also let you go back (and forth) much more quickly and reliably as well. So inline links will be much more usable, and browsing large number of projects and contacts will be a much more pleasant experience.

Rapid Day Planner

We have been designing a brand-new day planning experience, that would let you conduct daily “brain dumps” much more smoothly and easily. Our goal is to create a daily planning “playground” experience where you get started with this component every morning (or evening, depending on your planning routines) and be able to list all the main things you’d like to achieve and select their project assignments (or not) almost as easy (and quick!) as writing them as plaintext. We’re really excited about this feature, as it has already proven how efficient it is within our team.

More Efficient Information Rendering

Pagico’s UI has been designed to be aesthetically pleasing and it uses a lot of white space to introduce a pleasant sense of calm and professionalism. But some parts of it can definitely present information more efficiently, such as the listing of file objects and emails. We are redesigning of these parts so that the right information gets displayed with an improved amount of information density.

Overall, we have been working hard to implement these changes and we believe they will make your experience with Pagico a lot better. There are lots of things to do for sure; and we appreciate your support and patience as part of the Pagico community.

Getting the Update

As always, you can obtain the latest version of Pagico by clicking on the button below, or by using the built-in software update mechanism.