Pagico 9 & 10 Tutorials

Video: 5 hidden features in Pagico to further optimize your workflow

Watch this 5-minute video tutorial on the hidden gems in Pagico that could potentially save you substantial amount of time:

Pagico 9 & 10

Quick Fix Release for Pagico 9 users on Mac

Dear all, For some mysterious reasons we haven’t identified yet, a strange bug started to stall the launch process of Pagico 9 on Mac, since the morning of April 1, 2020. We’ve traced the issue down and fixed it with a new release, build number 20200401. So if your Pagico 9 does not launch (the […]

Pagico 9 & 10

Coming Soon: Team Chat in Pagico 9.2

Collaboration with your team is about to get a lot more efficient! Pagico 9.2, featuring the new Team Chat and a newly designed Team Dashboard, is just around the corner! Please stay tuned.

Pagico 9 & 10 Pagico 9 Release Notes

Work Smarter and Accomplish More with Pagico 9

The wait is over! After years of design and development, and months of beta testing, Pagico 9 has finally arrived! Available today for users on macOS, MacOS X, Windows and Ubuntu, the 9th major iteration of the Pagico work management platform is designed to help you work smarter, accomplish more while reducing mental load.

Pagico 9 & 10

Pagico 9 Preview #6: Color-Code Everything

What can you do with colors? You can label things with colors and have your content stand out more when you’re looking for them. That’s why in Pagico 9, you’ll be able to create new categories with colors and customize them any way you like to make color-coding a breeze.

Pagico 9 & 10

Pagico 9 Preview #5: Loop in clients and keep them up-to-date

It’s very common that you need to share a project in Pagico with someone on the outside. It could be your client, an external partner, or a student who takes lessons from you. Pagico 9 will make this sharing process so much easier, and it’ll even keep them up-to-date with just a few clicks.

Pagico 9 & 10

Pagico 9 Preview #4: Stay informed, not overwhelmed!

You’ve seen it before: a project so complex, it is filled with notes and lists, and it just scrolls on and on. When this happens, the overall project progress may become cloudy. Pagico 9 has a brand-new feature to simplify your data so you can get a bird’s eye view of your projects without getting […]