Monthly Feature Updates Pagico 10 Release Notes

Pagico 10 Update 2

Greetings everyone! Today we are excited to announce the availability of Pagico 10 Update 2. This release further addresses a few issues we’ve spotted in the past few days, improving the overall stability and user experience of Pagico 10. Since this version improves the stability of data sync, it’s highly recommended for everyone to update.

Monthly Feature Updates Pagico 10 Release Notes

Pagico 10 Update 1

A few days ago, we released Pagico 10.0 to the public. It was one of the best launches we’ve had in our history, but we still spotted a few issues here and there. Today we are excited to release Pagico 10 Update 1 to address these launch-day issues.

Monthly Feature Updates Pagico 10 Release Notes Pagico 9 & 10

Introducing Pagico 10

Work smarter and accomplish more — the hope of yesterday has officially become the reality of today! After months of development and testing, Pagico 10 is here, bringing improved features, more user friendly designs, and significantly enhanced performance. The end result? A work management platform that’s more coherent and smooth in user experience for you […]

Monthly Feature Updates

Pagico 9 September Update

Greetings everyone! While we primarily work on the upcoming Pagico 10 to prepare for its official release in October, we are also working to bring some of the key changes from v10 to v9 to ensure our v9 customers have the best user experience possible. Improved Data Sync Efficiency and Reliability Today we just released […]

Monthly Feature Updates Pagico 9 Release Notes Updates

Pagico 9 June Update: Personalize with colors!

The pleasantness of your work environment is critical to your productivity. That’s why we’ve always heavily focused on the UI design of Pagico. Starting with Pagico 9.10 Update 2, you’ll now be able to take the already elegant UI to the next level — make it your own. Introducing Customizable Color Scheme Simply pick a […]

Monthly Feature Updates Pagico 9 Release Notes

Pagico 9.10: Create New Folders With Ease, and More

Greetings everyone! Today we are excited to announce the availability of Pagico 9.10 (rev. 20210401). In this newer version we introduced a new way to let you create new folders with ease right inside Pagico. This build also includes some bug fixes to make things work more reliably. Changes New Feature: Create new folders right […]

Monthly Feature Updates Pagico 9 Release Notes

Pagico 9.9 Update 3

Greetings everyone! Today we are happy to release Pagico 9.9 Update 3 (rev. 20210326), which brings a slew of bug fixes. It is a recommended update for all v9 users. Changes New in r20210326: Fixed an issue where certain phrases involving the @ symbol may be incorrectly recognized as tags New in r20210326: Fixed an […]