Dear all, Earlier today we discovered a serious bug in our workspace sync algorithm. The issue is very serious as it may cause data loss during workspace syncs. As a result, we’ve made necessary changes to our workspace servers and we’re also releasing a quick update to our Pagico for Desktop clients. The new version […]
Category: Pagico
Today (July 15th), we are 6 years old! At this moment, we’d like to share our joy with you! To celebrate our 6th anniversary, we’re putting Pagico for Desktop and Pagico Plus for iOS on sale (up to 33% off) for a week. This discount starts on July 15th and ends on July 21st (midnight, EST). The price will […]
We’re excited to let you know that Pagico for Desktop v6.3 just got extensively covered by the Mac.AppStorm team and received an excellent, 8 out of 10 rating! Here are some remarks from the review article: [Pagico] is great for managing your own personal projects or working with a large team on collaborative projects. We […]
Due to the terrible web server incident that took place on June 30th, we decided to migrate our web server to a new service provider. The server switch was executed on July 4th midnight (EST), which is a relatively low-traffic period.The entire switch took about 4-6 hours, with our services mostly uninterrupted. By “mostly”, we […]
Dear all, On June 30th, the company that provides web hosting service for our main website experienced a major technical difficulty that brought down our web server. The hosting company started the recovery right after the server crash, but it eventually took over 48 hours before they could get everything back online. During the website […]
We are very excited to let you know that MacLife just reviewed Pagico for Desktop v6.2 and gave it a 4-star rating “GREAT”. This just made our day! Nothing is better than getting some (very) positive remarks from the pros: Compared to more basic to-do apps that focus on simplicity by limiting your options, Pagico […]
Obviously, everyone’s been talking about the new UI design trend: Flat designs. Microsoft started with its super-flat design called Metro a long while ago, Google started “flattening” their iOS apps a few months ago, too. Now with Apple on board with the new flat iOS 7, we think we should do something as well, to […]