Category: Pagico
Once you’ve used Pagico for a little while, you’ll accumulate quite a few completed tasks, in your Inbox, projects, or contact profiles. These things clutter your views and can reduce your productivity. Why doesn’t Pagico automatically hide those tasks for you? That’s because Pagico is designed to be versatile — lots of people are using it to manage […]
Are you new to Pagico? Would you like to learn the best ways to use it and maximize your productivity? Then this guide is for you! As the part 2 of the series, we’ll focus on advanced topics, including project management, best practices to use tags, collections, and syncing data with mobile devices. The part 1 can […]
Are you new to Pagico? Would you like to learn the best ways to use it and maximize your productivity? Then this guide is for you! As part 1 of this Getting Started guide series, this article will focus on the basic stuff.
Greetings, fellow Pagico users! After months of beta testing, We are excited to announce that Pagico Plus 3 for iOS is finally here! This is be a major update with tons of improvements, including a refreshed design, background sync, built-in search, iPhone 6/6+ compatibility, and a lot more! Check out Pagico Plus 3 on the AppStore, […]
Happy Thanksgiving! Have you been trying out Pagico and thinking about getting your hands on it? Then don’t miss our Thanksgiving promotion and save up to 40% on Pagico apps. It’s a great opportunity to jump on board and get all your stuff organized! This special discount applies to Pagico for Desktop 6 (Free Trial / […]
Dear all, We’re happy to report that the upgrade of the North Central Workspace Server has been completed. And sync services are restored within the expected timeframe. Due to the fact that the upgrade also involved DNS changes, certain users may experience a slightly longer downtime. But by now service should be up and running […]