Pagico 8

Coming this fall: Pagico 8 [Preview #1]

The next version of Pagico on your computer, Pagico version 8, will arrive this fall. This will mark a huge milestone for Pagico and for the team, as it is going to be one of the biggest releases we’ve ever done. It is carefully crafted to help you be more productive than ever, and feel more awesome doing […]

iOS Pagico

Beta Testers Wanted for Pagico Plus 4 for iOS

Pagico Plus 4 is coming! With a redesigned UI for iPhone, Pagico Plus 4 looks super sharp and brings lots of under-the-hood improvements. After months of development, we’re happy to announce that Pagico Plus 4 is ready for beta testing. If you’re interested in getting early an access, just let us know and we’ll loop you […]


Tutorial: Take advantage of the tag browser and browse your projects with ease

Do you have lots of projects? If so, then you need to take full advantage of the powerful tag browser feature, which analyzes all the tags you use for projects and generate an awesome tree structure automatically. Check out the full tutorial here.

Pagico 7

Pagico 7.4 has arrived on Ubuntu

Pagico 7.4 has finally arrived on Ubuntu. Bringing numerous feature improvements and bug fixes, this is definitely the best organizer app you can get for your Ubuntu machine. Grab the update today!. Pagico 7.4 is also available on OS X and Windows.

Pagico Pagico 7 Release Notes

Pagico 7.3 r1855 brings vCard exporting to contacts

Pagico 7.3 r1854 is here! Among minor improvements, its highlight is the brand-new vCard exporting. It’s a free update to all v7 users.


Pagico Plus is now free to download!

Great news! We are making the Pagico Plus mobile apps free to download starting from today.

Pagico Pagico 7 Release Notes

Pagico 7.3 r1840 brings a brand-new Jump-To feature and other minor improvements

Pagico 7.3 r1838 r1840 is another minor update that further enhances the user experience. It brings a brand-new Jump-To feature that lets you quickly jump to any container with just a few key strokes.