Monthly Feature Updates Pagico 10 Release Notes

Pagico 10 Update 10

Greetings everybody! Today we have another minor update for Pagico 10, bringing a few improvements and bug fixes.

Note: This article was updated on January 10, 2021.


  • New in r20210110: Fixed an issue where changes to list items may not be saved in certain situations
  • New in r20210110: Fixed an issue where container duplication with date shift may introduce unwanted time changes in certain cases
  • Fixed an issue where the project notes section may not save the info as expected in certain cases
  • Fixed an issue where the dates labels may be rendered on a new line for list items (taking more space than necessary)
  • New: Adjustable starting dates for creating containers with templates
  • Fixed an issue where duplicated file objects may not carry their original description texts

Coming Soon

We have exciting new features on the horizon! One of them is a data sync algorithm improvement that will make data sync complete significantly faster. So please stay tuned!

Getting the Update

Please visit the Downloads Section to grab this update.