
Essential Time Management Skills

Time Block your Day

Schedule your day in time blocks for tasks rather than just having a simple To-Do list.

Schedule in Buffer Time

Give yourself time for things to potentially go wrong, or off track.

Take Time to Rest

You can’t always be productive, so don’t waste time dwelling on it or beating yourself up.

Multitasking doesn’t work

Focus on one thing at a time.

Set Deadlines

You’re more likely to get your work done if you have a deadline to work towards.

Set a Routine

Create a routine to give your days more structure. This will allow you to have set times and a format when you plan to get certain things done, and also when you do not.

Just Get Going

If you can finish a task in less than 2 minutes, it’s more productive to get it done while you are thinking about it.

Prioritize. Prioritize. Prioritize.

There isn’t time to do everything so make sure you know what is most important.

Group Meetings into Blocks

Schedule all of your meetings at once to save time in between phone calls and traveling.

Work in Sprints

Work in bursts with breaks in between so you can regather your energy for the next tasks.

Break Down Tasks

Break down your work into small tasks that you are able to get done in a session at a time.

Take Notes

Don’t rely on remembering everything that you need too, write it down.

Safe Place

Make it easy for yourself and file work and notes in a convenient place where you will be able to easily find them again.

Automate and Batch

Spend time automating all of the tasks that you can, and do the rest of the work in batches of related work.

Block out distractions

Turn off your notifications and block out anything that might distract you or take away your focus.