
How to Create a Strong Research Routine

Studies have shown throughout history, that the most successful Academics almost always had strong research routines. And interestingly enough, a number of similarities between these routines show up. It turns out that having no routine or structure is more draining mentally, physically, and emotionally than any routine could ever be! 

Create a Schedule

One of the most important ways to increase your productivity is to know yourself. When are you most creative? Awake? Alert? That is the time that you want to dedicate to your research. For some, it is the first thing in the morning, for others midday or even the middle of the night when everyone else is asleep. The time and location do not matter as long as your writing and research become a part of your daily schedule. 

Use Time Wisely

All time is not created equal. Having a block of five hours to work is worth more than a dozen half-hour chunks of time throughout the week. Turn off your phone, forget about your emails and rearrange your schedule to have as many blocks of uninterrupted time as possible.

Schedule It

One of the biggest mistakes one can make is thinking that they’ll “find” the time for research. As if extra time was lying around or hidden somewhere we are hoping to stumble upon. The best advice for those struggling to balance teaching, research, and writing with responsibilities outside of the academy is:

Schedule the time. Don’t wait until you have a moment; seize the moment. 

There’s no one way to create the perfect research routine, but not having one at all is a recipe for incomplete projects. Routines are invaluable in your daily life, as they provide structure and focus to your activities. Although you should always remember that routines should serve you, you shouldn’t be a slave to them. Their purpose is to allow you to accomplish your goals and live a happy, healthy life. Accordingly, learning how to build positive routines in your life today is important for your future life as well.