
Pagico 3.2 is coming to Linux systems

Hi all,

It just keeps getting exciting these days! Just as we are approaching the end of the Pagico 3.2 beta for Mac and Windows, we have not forgotten our friends on linux: the development and testing for Pagico 3.2 on Linux systems have been started.

Screenshots are not yet available for public, but will be very shortly. The Pagico 3.2 beta for Linux systems will not take that long as the Mac version does, as the majority part of the code base will stay the same, and has been fully tested.

This time, as usual, we’re making for Ubuntu system first (Ubuntu 8.04, to be precise), then other linux systems.

Specific time frame for the availability for a beta is still too amateur to announce now, but we’ll share that date with you as soon as the development gets on track.

Stay tuned. 😉